Well that's that for another 12 months; what a lot of fuss for a couple of days of fun and games!!!
Hopefully, you are all still well, but for those of you who are not quite 100% we are here for you!
There's a bit of a SALE on at the moment, with upto 50% off gifts and other bits and bobs... SO with Valentine's Day literally around the corner (32 sleeps) grab yourself a bargain on some celebrity perfumes, designer perfume gift sets and 'fancy stuff'.
Also in the New Year we all make those fantastic resolutions where, by next year, we will all be super fit, super slim and completely vice free!!! Well we can help give you a push in the right direction on a couple of counts -- stopping smoking and losing weight:
- You can pop in to our branches and make an appointment to enroll on our NHS Stop Smoking service, where you can get expert advice and a care plan tailored to you and your needs. Weekly appointments and treatment is a sure fire way to support YOUR quit. Patches, gum and inhalators are all available along with the most valuable bit - the support of our team who will discuss and guide you through any issues you may have... If you are thinking of quiting this year, then get booked in and give yourself the best chance possible!
- The other fabulous service we provide is the Lipotrim Weight Loss programme. This is a medically based diet plan, which can help you lose upto a stone (female) or a stone and a half (men) each month. Currently we have an added incentive, which could save you £15 over your first 3 weeks on the programme. Again this is by appointment only, but we provide you with as much support and advice as you need. Before you start, watch the video on the Lipotrim UK website - http://www.lipotrim.co.uk/pharmacy_programme/index.htm (copy and paste the link as their is still a hitch with the blog!), the page also has some great success stories from people using pharmacies across the UK.
So what are you waiting for - get down to your local Swettenham Chemist and start on a healthier you for 2015!
A few other bits --
- Good luck to Dawn (our boss!) who is doing a Dryathlon for "Dry January". She's raising money for Cancer Research UK, to get involved or to donate, google Dryathlon
- Apologies for the website down time - there have been a few technical issues at the techies hq, hopefully the bulk of the issues are sorted now. There are still a few minor issues, but we hope to have everything resolved pretty soon.
Stay healthy people!!
Ian and the team!
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